Homo sapiens are a social being by nature and are in close contact with each other. But Indian societies have been observing certain practices from age old times. In tough times like these, its hard not to wonder if our ancestors formulated this culture to prevent such outbreaks.
The culture I’m talking about in India :
- Greeting with Namaste- hands folded without touching the other person
- Indians in earlier times were forbidden from crossing the ocean- a sort of self quarantine within the country
- Washing hands and feet when we get back home was a norm and outdoor taps were installed to facilitate this
- Plates and glasses were maintained individually and not shared between members of the house
- Eating with hands and not spoon was encouraged to promote entry of good bacteria and good gut health
Today, we can see the full negative side of globalisation. We are able to transport this invisible virus to all the corners of the globe at such speed.
Globalisation clubbed with our mistreatment of nature is a dangerous combination. Its effects are widespread and speeden the decline of mankind. It is sad that we as are all going to look at the economic cost of COVID-19 with seriousness rather than the environmental damages that led us here.
Today the need of the hour is to have distinct habitat for humans and animals. Preserving forests so that we dont eat into their habitat and create this murky mess again. Most conflict is occurring as we trespass each others habitats. We use our power to destroy forests. We now share territory and they unknowingly pass on diseases to us. Is this how its going to end? A little creature we cannot even see bringing the ever dominant man to a standstill.